Export tasks and resources with timsescaled data



In my task usage view, I am showing 3-levels of tasks/sub-tasks and a fourth
level of our resources allocated to each sub-task. When I export timescaled
data to Excel, it only exports the task levels. I need to be able top extract
the resource allocations to Excel as well. Is there anyway I can configure
project to do this?

Also, can I export the Outline Level field with my task usage data?


rmellison said:
In my task usage view, I am showing 3-levels of tasks/sub-tasks and a fourth
level of our resources allocated to each sub-task. When I export timescaled
data to Excel, it only exports the task levels. I need to be able top extract
the resource allocations to Excel as well. Is there anyway I can configure
project to do this?

Also, can I export the Outline Level field with my task usage data?

I assume you are using a version of Project prior to Project 2007 and
that you are using the "analyze timescaled data in Excel" utility.

Project 2007 added export flexibility with its Visual Reports function.
With it you can create an Excel pivot table for most Project data,
including timescaled data.

However, you may still be able to get what you want with earlier
versions of Project. Try using the "analyze..." utility from both the
Task Usage and the Resource Usage views. You will get two separate
worksheets that will need to be combined, but it should allow you to get
either what you need or pretty close.

The best overall solution is to use VBA. With VBA you can create
virtually any report format you need - all with the push of a button. If
you do not know VBA but would like to learn, fellow MVP, Rod Gill has an
excellent book on the subject. It includes examples for doing something
very similar to what you want. For more information, go to:

Of course you can also hire someone to write some code for you.

Project MVP

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