Export textfile from access 2007



I try to export a textfile in access 2007 using the text exort guide. This
textfile has to have extension .gen but it doesen't work. I get a read only
error 3027. In access 2003 it was easy to change in registre so access
accepped filenamn.gen. Can anybody help me to fix this in access 2007

Albert D. Kallal

Nick said:
I try to export a textfile in access 2007 using the text exort guide. This
textfile has to have extension .gen but it doesen't work. I get a read
error 3027. In access 2003 it was easy to change in registre so access
accepped filenamn.gen. Can anybody help me to fix this in access 2007

Perhaps you export as .txt, and then use the re name command? While not
perfect, this suggestion would "eliminate" the need for some registry edit
like you were doing previous.....

dir strOutputFText as string
dim strOutputGen as string

strOutputFtext = "c:\my data\output.txt""
strOutputGen = left(strOutput,len(strOutput) - 3) & "gen"

Name strOutPutFtext as strOutputGen

the "file rename" command in access is called "name" as per above....

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