Export Time Phased Data



I have used the Analyze timescaled data add in. I would like to export time
phased data for tasks which do not have a resource assigned. Any suggestions
on how to do this painlessly? I perfer to use this tool as this is what I am
using for assigned resources.


Cheryl said:
I have used the Analyze timescaled data add in. I would like to export time
phased data for tasks which do not have a resource assigned. Any suggestions
on how to do this painlessly? I perfer to use this tool as this is what I am
using for assigned resources.

Painlessly is a relative term. If there are no resources assigned to a
task, the amount of timescaled data is rather limited. Be aware of a
couple of things when using the utility. First, the utility does NOT
export Summary Line information. Second, spare fields (e.g. custom
fields with formulas) do not have timescaled data. Given that, what
[data fields] exactly do you want to export?

Project MVP


Hi John,
I only need to export the work field by month for unassigned. It would be
helpful to also export some text fields.
John said:
Cheryl said:
I have used the Analyze timescaled data add in. I would like to export time
phased data for tasks which do not have a resource assigned. Any suggestions
on how to do this painlessly? I perfer to use this tool as this is what I am
using for assigned resources.

Painlessly is a relative term. If there are no resources assigned to a
task, the amount of timescaled data is rather limited. Be aware of a
couple of things when using the utility. First, the utility does NOT
export Summary Line information. Second, spare fields (e.g. custom
fields with formulas) do not have timescaled data. Given that, what
[data fields] exactly do you want to export?

Project MVP


Cheryl said:
Hi John,
I only need to export the work field by month for unassigned. It would be
helpful to also export some text fields.

Sorry if this is duplicate post - I had a power outage last night and it
messed up my clock.

Unfortunately the "Analyze" utility exports data by assignment.
Therefore, unassigned task data is not exported. There are two choices.
The easiest is to temporarily assign a dummy resource to "unassigned"
tasks and then use the utility, or use an advanced feature of Project,
namely VBA, and create a custom macro to export the exact data you need.
I prefer the latter because it gives me total flexibility, but then, not
everybody knows how or wants to use VBA.

Text fields are another matter. They are not timescaled so the utility
will not work for them. Again you have two choices. One simple method is
a cut and paste from Project to Excel. The second is to use an export
map to export the static (i.e. non-timescaled) data from Project to
Excel. Once in Excel the timescaled and static data can be combined as

Hope this helps.
Project MVP


Thanks for the reply. Is there a crash course on VBA? Sounds like the
latter option would be best.


Cheryl said:
Thanks for the reply. Is there a crash course on VBA? Sounds like the
latter option would be best.

I'm not sure I would call it a "crash" course but yes there is an
excellent tutorial on VBA. Go to the MVP website at:
At the bottom of the page you will see a link to, "Project 98 Visual
Basic Environment Training Materials". Even though it says it is for
Project 98, it is equally applicable to all current versions of Project.
The only real difference is that the Project Object library is expanded
with each new release and therefore more Methods, Properties and
sometimes functions are available with later versions.

A good source for sample macros is fellow MVP Jack Dahlgren's website at:

With those resources, a willingness to learn and help from the people on
this newsgroup (although microsoft.public.project.developer would be a
more appropriate group), you should be well on your way to learning VBA.

Project MVP

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