Export to Excel 2007



I would like to export my tasks from MS Project 2007 into an Excel 2007
spreadsheet and maintain the outline. When I do this all indents are lost and
all tasks are left justified.
Is there a way to export and have the indents preserved?
Thanks, Neal...


Hi Neal,

If you export the Outline Level field along with your task
information you can use Autofilters and quickly format the outline
and bolding in Excel. Other than developing some VBA code which
formats the data in Excel once exported, that is probably the
fastest answer.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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information about Microsoft Project


Hi... Neal,

There is a 2 or 3 step process for accomplishing this task. You should use a
macro to export the tasks to excel in hirarchy and then copy & paste other
fields such as duration, start, finish, etc (as required). The process is as

1. http://masamiki.com/project/macros.htm - Find the macro & procedure to
create it in your MSP.

2. http://masamiki.com/project/export-hierarchy-to-excel.html - Download &
use this macro to export the task in hirarchy.

3. Copy & paste the other required fields.

Hope this helps!!!


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