Export to excel via webpage: "Invalid Procedure Call or Argument"



Hi all,
I have a simple HTML table:

<table id="ResultTable">

Then I put a button to export to Excel
<INPUT TYPE="Button" value="Export2Excel" onclick="Export()">

The function:

<script language="vbscript">
Sub Export
Dim sHTML, oExcel, oBook

sHTML = document.all.item("ResultTable").outerhtml

Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add

oExcel.Visible = true
oExcel.UserControl = true

oBook.HTMLProject.HTMLProjectItems("Sheet1").Text = sHTML

Set oBook = nothing
Set oExcel = nothing
End Sub


This works OK in some computers but on other computers I get error "Invalid
Procedure call or Argument"
It doesn´t work in several computers!!
The error points to
oBook.HTMLProject.HTMLProjectItems("Sheet1").Text = sHTML

How can I solve this?

All the computers don't have add-ons in C:\Program Files\Microsoft

It's Excel 2003 SP3

Thank you very much

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