Export to Excel with PivotTable in vbScript



(first post sent by mistake)
..Net 1.1, OWC10 (10.0.6619.0), XPPro SP1

I'm trying to add a custom context menu to a PivotTable control on an aspx
page. I can create the menu and fire off commands, but when I try to use the
Export to Excel command, I'm getting a permission denied script error. Can
this be done or am I doing something wrong? I've included the code below -

sub PivotTable1_BeforeContextMenu(x, y, Menu, Cancel)
dim vntMenu(1)
dim owcConsts

set owcConsts = Document.Forms(0).PivotTable1.Constants

vntMenu(0) = Array("Export", "owc" & owcConsts.ocCommandExport)
vntMenu(1) = Array("Help", "owc" & owcConsts.ocCommandHelp)

Menu.Value = vntMenu

end sub

Sub PivotTable1_CommandBeforeExecute(Command, Succeeded)

dim owcConsts

set owcConsts = Document.Forms(0).PivotTable1.Constants

if vartype(Command) = vbString then
select case Command
case "owc" & owcConsts.ocCommandExport

case "owc" & owcConsts.ocCommandHelp

end select
end if

end sub


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