Export to / Import from Excel



I have an Excel cost workbook and a MS Project timeline as templates for
upcoming projects. I would like to do things like:

a) Import costs calculated in Excel as costs for MS Project tasks.

b) Export dates calculated in MSProject back into Excel for things like
summary capital cost timing.

I'm a VERY basic VBA user. Are either of these ideas possible for me?

Thanks muchly in advance.


pdberger said:
I have an Excel cost workbook and a MS Project timeline as templates for
upcoming projects. I would like to do things like:

a) Import costs calculated in Excel as costs for MS Project tasks.

b) Export dates calculated in MSProject back into Excel for things like
summary capital cost timing.

I'm a VERY basic VBA user. Are either of these ideas possible for me?

Thanks muchly in advance.

Possible, yes. For you, I don't know. First of all you may not need VBA
at all - you may be able to use an import and export map - as long as
the data is properly set up in Excel and you don't need timescaled data.

However, I'm a little concerned when you say you calculate costs in
Excel and you want to import them into Project. That sounds like you are
trying to "force" costs in Project. Other than fixed costs, cost data in
Project is calculated based on the work associated with each task and
the resource rate of the resources assigned to those tasks. So....how
exactly are you "calculating" costs in Excel and how are you expecting
to use that in Project?

Project MVP


John --

A lot of the costs are driven by factors that I haven't included in the
MSProject file, either because I don't know how or because they can't be
calculated there. These two files are to be used to describe the process and
costs to open a new medical office. For example, the costs for an electronic
medical record system are based on the number of docs, number of select other
staff, whether we're converting old paper records (and how we're doing it),
etc. So I've built a workbook to calculate those costs (and many others),
and want to take the output and attach it to the task "Implement EMR".

Does that describe the problem?

Thanks in advance.


pdberger said:
John --

A lot of the costs are driven by factors that I haven't included in the
MSProject file, either because I don't know how or because they can't be
calculated there. These two files are to be used to describe the process and
costs to open a new medical office. For example, the costs for an electronic
medical record system are based on the number of docs, number of select other
staff, whether we're converting old paper records (and how we're doing it),
etc. So I've built a workbook to calculate those costs (and many others),
and want to take the output and attach it to the task "Implement EMR".

Does that describe the problem?

Thanks in advance.

Well it tells me that you probably need some training on how to set up a
working plan (e.g. opening a medical office) using Project. For that I
have a few recommendations. First, find somebody who does Project
training in your area. A very good company for that is Project Experts
at, www.msprojectexperts.com. For self help you can take a look at
fellow MVP, Mike Glen's tutorials on our MVP website at,

Nonetheless if you already have certain calculated costs associated with
tasks, those costs can simply be entered into the Fixed Cost field for
that task. However, a good schedule plan contains performance tasks. The
cost of performing those tasks is directly related to the labor and
material resources assigned. Project is designed to calculate costs in a
dynamic scheduling fashion. By trying to tie Project's scheduling
algorithm with cost data from another application, the result schedule
is going to be questionable at best. At least that's my opinion.

Project MVP


Thanks. I always like to learn how to do stuff. Maybe this'll be my next
anti-Alzheimer's effort...


pdberger said:
Thanks. I always like to learn how to do stuff. Maybe this'll be my next
anti-Alzheimer's effort...

You're welcome. Hope you find what you need.


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