In v2007 (since you neglected to mention your version), exporting to pdf
looks kinda like this
(assumes you have the free add-in installed)
'Private Sub cmdExport_Click()
' Dim visPage As Visio.Page
' Dim strPageName As String
' Dim strPathName As String
' strPathName = "c:\"
' If ThisDocument.Pages.Count < 2 Then
' MsgBox "This routine saves page 2 as a pdf file"
' Exit Sub
' End If
' Set visPage = ThisDocument.Pages(2)
' visPage.CenterDrawing
' strPageName = visPage.Name
' ActiveWindow.Page = visPage
' strPageName = Replace(strPageName, " ", "")
' strPageName = strPathName & strPageName & ".pdf"
' ThisDocument.ExportAsFixedFormat visFixedFormatPDF, strPageName,
visDocExIntentPrint, visPrintCurrentPage
'End Sub
For moving it to Word I'd just do a copy and paste.
'add your word specific paste here...