exported excel charts and pdflatex



pdfLatex is compatible with jpg and pdf images, and real pdfs loo
better than jpgs it seems. I found that the best way was to make a .p
file of the chart by printing to a postscript printer, and the
converting to pdf. All is done in vba (uses ghostscript)

Jon Peltier

JPG is the wrong format for most charts anyway, being designed for photographic-type
images with continuously varying shades of color. PNG or GIF is preferable, because
they can resolve crisp borders between regions of different colors, as appear in
charts and line drawings. Even better would be a metafile; I suspect the PDF output
of the chart contained a metafile, which consists of the separate shapes which
comprise a chart. PS is a bitmap with a much finer resolution than the screen.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions


hey hke or anyone else, I'm trying to do the same thing ... convert an Excel
chart to a pdf file. I don't know how to make a .ps file as hke suggests,
and I'm not familiar with vba. I do, however have GSview and ghostscript.
Any suggestions would be helpful

Jon Peltier

I use a small routine called CutePDF to convert Excel files into PDFs
using a printer driver that's added by CutePDF. Use Google to find its
web site. Despite not costing several hundreds of dollars, the output is
very professional. I have not tried using it with VBA.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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