Exporting a table to a textfile - schema and specification woes


Chris Strug


I'm converting and MDB to an ADP/MSSQLS solution and I'm having a slight

One particular function in the MDB is a macro that exports the contents of a
table as a fixed width text file using the TransferText function/macro.

As part of the transferText macro, a "Specification Name" must be given and
in this case is "NMTracking2" as well as a couple of other (similar) options
from a dropdown.

I'm recreating this in code and I can't find the specification, or indeed
what the "NMTracking2" expression refers to.

According to Access Help, the specification is found in a file named
"schema.ini" which is held in the same location as the destination of the
exported text file. However I can't find it. In fact I can't find a
schema.ini that contains anything meaningful anywhere on my network or local
machine, nor can I find any mention of "NMTracking2" anywhere in the Access
MDB, my local machine or anywhere on the network.

My question is:

1. What does the "NMTracking2" expression refer to in the "Specification
Name" field of the transfer text macro and how can I recreate this in
another database?

Any advice or guidance is gratefully appreciated,

Kind regards


Marshall Barton

Chris said:
I'm converting and MDB to an ADP/MSSQLS solution and I'm having a slight

One particular function in the MDB is a macro that exports the contents of a
table as a fixed width text file using the TransferText function/macro.

As part of the transferText macro, a "Specification Name" must be given and
in this case is "NMTracking2" as well as a couple of other (similar) options
from a dropdown.

I'm recreating this in code and I can't find the specification, or indeed
what the "NMTracking2" expression refers to.

According to Access Help, the specification is found in a file named
"schema.ini" which is held in the same location as the destination of the
exported text file. However I can't find it. In fact I can't find a
schema.ini that contains anything meaningful anywhere on my network or local
machine, nor can I find any mention of "NMTracking2" anywhere in the Access
MDB, my local machine or anywhere on the network.

My question is:

1. What does the "NMTracking2" expression refer to in the "Specification
Name" field of the transfer text macro and how can I recreate this in
another database?

The name refers to a saved Import/Export specification.
These are created when you manually go through either menu
File - Get External Data - Import
File - Save As/Export
and specify the particulars of the fields, field delimiter,
etc. and then save the specs under whatever name you want to
use in other activities.

Adrian Jansen

From a post by Ted Allen:

But, if you want to also see the specs in table format,
display the system tables by going to Tools|Options and
under View select System Objects. The import
specifications are stored in the MSysIMEXSpecs and
MSysIMEXColumns tables.

I presume the export specs are in the same area.


Adrian Jansen
J & K MicroSystems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control

Chris Strug

Adrian, Marshall,

Many thanks for your replies. I have been able to find the specifications in
the MDB file through the methods you described....

However, because I am working with an ADP file which will not permit local
tables I cannot store specifications in the ADP...

However I think I will be able to bodge the export sufficiently I hope....

Once again, thanks for your help.



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