Exporting a table to a textfile - schema & specification woes


Chris Strug


I'm converting and MDB to an ADP/MSSQLS solution and I'm having a slight

One particular function in the MDB is a macro that exports the contents of a
table as a fixed width text file using the TransferText function/macro.

As part of the transferText macro, a "Specification Name" must be given and
in this case is "NMTracking2" as well as a couple of other (similar) options
from a dropdown.

I'm recreating this in code and I can't find the specification, or indeed
what the "NMTracking2" expression refers to.

According to Access Help, the specification is found in a file named
"schema.ini" which is held in the same location as the destination of the
exported text file. However I can't find it. In fact I can't find a
schema.ini that contains anything meaningful anywhere on my network or local
machine, nor can I find any mention of "NMTracking2" anywhere in the Access
MDB, my local machine or anywhere on the network.

My question is:

1. What does the "NMTracking2" expression refer to in the "Specification
Name" field of the transfer text macro and how can I recreate this in
another database?

Any advice or guidance is gratefully appreciated,

Kind regards


david epsom dot com dot au

This will export a table to a text file:

SELECT tblfx_audit.* INTO [Text;DATABASE=c:\].[mytext.txt]
FROM [tblfx_audit]

It creates a Schema.ini file when it does so.

The schema.ini file will be used next time you select
from or into mytext.txt. You can edit the schema.ini
file to change the export from CSV (default) to FixedWidth.

IMport EXport SPECifications are normally stored in a hidden
system table: go to Tools Options and view system tables.


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