When I export or analyze in MS Excel the data type Yes/No
converts to True/False. In the query I have gone to the
field and under properties I have changed on the general
tab; Format to Yes/No and on the Lookup tab: Display
Control to Text Box. With doing this it display the
words "Yes" or "No" however when I go to analyze or export
in MS Excel the Data is displays "True" or "False". What
can I do to correct this other then manually changeing all
the true to yes and false to no.
converts to True/False. In the query I have gone to the
field and under properties I have changed on the general
tab; Format to Yes/No and on the Lookup tab: Display
Control to Text Box. With doing this it display the
words "Yes" or "No" however when I go to analyze or export
in MS Excel the Data is displays "True" or "False". What
can I do to correct this other then manually changeing all
the true to yes and false to no.