Exporting chart to GIF file


Dick Scratcher

testing the export of a chart to a GIF file using this code:

Sub SaveChartAsGIF()
Dim FName
FName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & ActiveChart.Name & ".gif"
ActiveChart.Export Filename:=FName, FilterName:="GIF"
End Sub

In Excel 97 it exported one file to:
GifExport Costs.Gif

BUT in XP it exports two files:
GifExport Costs.Gif as a zero length file and
GIFEXP~1.GIF that holds the data

Using Excel XP (with updates)
OS: XP Pro
Network: Netware


Using Excel 97(with updates)
Network: Netware



Dick Scratcher

Have since tested on a W2000 network (Excel XP again). Same code produces the
one expected file.

This appears to be a Netware problem - any comments?


Dave Peterson

I've never used Netware.

good luck,

Dick said:
Have since tested on a W2000 network (Excel XP again). Same code produces the
one expected file.

This appears to be a Netware problem - any comments?


David McRitchie

Hi Dick,
If it works properly if you save it to your hard drive as opposed
to the network, I would expect you are having a problem with
network administration or with an antivirus program.

Excel likes to rename a file, create a file, rename it, and then
delete the original file. I expect something is interfering with
that process.

Dick Scratcher

Thank you for the feedback.

This is part of an established process that we are migrating to XP. The
example was the result of our analysis of the problem.

The nature of the business is such that local harddrives are not writable by
users (security issues etc).

We have got around it by accepting that two files are produced and we look
for the one that doesn't have zero bytes.

I know it works okay by saving it to anywhere other than to a Netware
server. I was hoping that someone might have met this problem and resolved
it, for example, a Microsoft or Netware employee.

Thank you for your contributions

David McRitchie said:
Hi Dick,
If it works properly if you save it to your hard drive as opposed
to the network, I would expect you are having a problem with
network administration or with an antivirus program.

Excel likes to rename a file, create a file, rename it, and then
delete the original file. I expect something is interfering with
that process.

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