Exporting contents of range to Access...HELP!



I've got the following code. What I'm trying to is export the contents
of a range into an Access table called Scorers. The range C22:E22
contains 'fred','2','2' which correspond to the fields name/age/score.
An error occurs when creating the SQL string. Do I need to use a loop
and individually move each bit of data?

Any help greatly appreciated

Sub AddToAccess()

Dim cnAccess As ADODB.Connection
Dim sConnect As String
Dim sSQL As String

'create connection string
sConnect = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _
"Data Source=" & ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Access

'create SQL string
sSQL = "INSERT INTO Scorers (name,age,score) VALUES (" &
Application.Transpose(Range("C22:E22")) & ";" 'Range("C22:E22") & ";"

'make connection and get get the SQL query recordset
Set cnAccess = New ADODB.Connection
cnAccess.ConnectionString = sConnect
cnAccess.Execute sSQL, , adCmdText + adExecuteNoRecords

'close the connection
Set cnAccess = Nothing

End Sub

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