Exporting email and address book from Eudora 6.2 to Outlook 2003



PLEASE, PLEASE help! I am exporting my address book and email from
Eudora 6.2 to Outlook 2003. I have tried to use Outlook Express as an

When I exported my address book from Eudora, it exported the person's
company, title, address, phone, fax into the "notes" section of my
contact in Outlook. Any thoughts on what went wrong? It exported into
the contacts section by "nickname"...could this be the problem? It
still shouldn't put all this vital info into my "notes" section, should

Also, it is not allowing my email to be exported into Outlook Express
or Outlook. I receive the following message in either application:
"Mail folder could not be opened. If another application is using this
file please close it and try again." No other program is open on my
computer when I do this.

I have not set up Outlook to send and receive my email yet--would this
affect exporting stuff from Eudora to Outlook?

As you can see, I need help!

Thanks in advance for any help.


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