Exporting Files from Access


Kathy MacAthur

Hi - hope someone can help.

When I go to export query data - some of the fields are not encased in
"quotes ". When I go to import this file info another program it can't
differentiate a number of the fields because of the lack of "quotes". I
realize the quotes are used to differentiae between the different fields but
Access appears to include quotes around some fields but not others. The one
field in particular that lacks the "quotes" is an autonumber used as a
customer number.

Any suggestions. Thanks in advance.


Steve Schapel


What method are you using to export the data? If you go via the File
menu, you will see some options there regarding the export formats.
The use of the ""s around the data, if you choose to use it, is to
indicate whether the data is text or not, it is not intended to
separate one field from another. The separation of one field from
another is normally done via a delimited format, where the delimiter
is most commonly a comma or a Tab, but there are other possibilities
as well.

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP

Van T. Dinh

When you opt for delimiters, I *think* the Wizard only put delimiters around
Text / String values, not numeric values.

Instead of using the AutoNumber Field in Query, try using a calculated

TextAN: CStr([AutoNumberField])

and see if you get the double-quotes around the AutoNumber values.

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