Exporting Files To Excel In Access



I am exporting a table into excel from access and when the table is in access
it is formatted the way I want it, all the columns and data are in the
correct place. Once that data is exported into excel the columns are out of
place. Not the data just the columns. I am using a macro to do the export,
when I use the transferspreadsheet option it makes the columns show up out of
place, when I use the output to option the columns are in place. The problem
with the output to option is that once I get the table into excel I change
the formating (bold, shading, etc.) and I want to be able to re-run this
macro and have that formatting stay the same each time, which it doesnt do
with the output to option. It does with the transferspreahsheet but then the
columns are out of place. How can I get this information to export into
excel with the columns in the correct place and keep the formatting I make im

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