Exporting fixed width text files



In a previous message I asked how to import a text file with mixed formats.
Now I need to export fixed width data files to a single text file. I have
been able to export the files, but I really need to export them and append
them in a single file. I haven't found an argument in the TransferText method
or the OutputTo action that lets me append to an existing file. As a work
around I have been exporting to multiple files and then using a word macro to
insert the files into a single document and save it as text. There must be a
better way. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

John Nurick

One simple way is to export to two files and then shell to the Windows
COPY command to concatenate them. Assuming the files' names and
locations are in a pair of variables, something like this should do it:

strFileOut = "C:\My Folder\subfolder\output.txt"
Shell("COPY """ & strFile1 & """ + """ & strFile2 _
& """ """ & strFileOut & """", vbMinimizedNoFocus)

All those quote marks are to ensure that the filepecs, which may contain
spaces, are enclosed in quotes in the string that is passed to Shell.


That didn't work, I kept getiing a File not found error. So I created a batch
file with the copy command inside and used the shell command to run it. That
seems to do the trick. Thanks for your help

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