Exporting linked tables to XML


Stephen English

I have a customer order system for a timber company. Table POS_1 is all the
customer information, POS_2 is the product information for each item in the
order and POS_3 is the tally (qty at each length) for the product.

THis code works fine but is like a flat file and there is a lot of
duplication of data in first two tables

strSQL = "SELECT POS_1.QuoteNo, POS_1.CustNo, POS_1.CustName, POS_1.PhoneNo,
POS_1.Add1, POS_1.Add2, " & _
"POS_1.Add3, POS_1.Pcode, POS_1.dis_cd, POS_1.Date, POS_1.Current,
POS_1.DelFee, POS_PMethods.Payment, " & _
"POS_1.PMethod, POS_1.OrderType, POS_1.Comment, POS_2.itnbr,
POS_2.itemno, POS_2.Desc12, POS_2.totqty, " & _
"POS_2.price, POS_3.qty, POS_3.length, [totqty]*[price] AS Exttotal,
POS_2.Comment, 'Order' AS Type, " & _
"'These prices are inclusive of GST' AS GST " & _
"FROM ((POS_1 INNER JOIN POS_2 ON POS_1.QuoteNo = POS_2.QuoteNo)
"(POS_2.itemno = POS_3.itemno) AND (POS_2.itnbr = POS_3.itnbr) AND
(POS_2.itnbr = POS_3.itnbr) " & _
"AND (POS_2.QuoteNo = POS_3.QuoteNo)) LEFT JOIN POS_PMethods ON
POS_1.PMethod = POS_PMethods.PMethod " & _
"WHERE POS_1.QuoteNo=" & lngQN
End If
'Delete old query first - we want fresh data!
db.QueryDefs.Delete strQueryName
'Create query definition
Set qryDef = db.CreateQueryDef(strQueryName, strSQL)
Application.ExportXML ObjectType:=acExportTable, DataSource:=strQueryName, _
DataTarget:="S:\POSQuoteExportFiles\" & lngQN &

I would like to generate XML that looks like
<Tel>1234 5678</Tel>
<Desc>042x019 Pine</Desc>

<Desc>070x019 Pine</Desc>

Any ideas please?

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