exporting other users contacts?


Fred Smith

Hi, is it possible to export other users contacts from outlook,
or is it the case that only a user can administer their own contacts as


Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

Hi, is it possible to export other users contacts from outlook,
or is it the case that only a user can administer their own contacts as

Are you asking if a third-party can export someone's contacts when they're not
available? Depends on the account type.

Karl Timmermans

If you're asking if you can export Delegate accounts via the Outlook Export
wizard - the answer is no. Outlook import/export wizard only supports PST
folders and the Primary Exchange Mailbox (where applicable).

if you need this capability then CG Exporter may be of interest -
(Currently CGX only supports Delegate accounts added to the profile - next
rendition will also support Exchange based <Shared Contact Folders>)


Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2007"

Fred Smith

Hi, thanks for you replies,
to clarify my question, what i would like to do is to be able to (from
outlook) open another users contacts, and then export them to either my own
or a new contacts list, which i can then export into a flat file or excel.
Being that several people have a very large list of contacts, i was hoping
to avoid copying them all one by one, and to find a quick way of getting
them all into a flat file.

Many thanks

Karl Timmermans

My original answer remains the same.

If you add the user's mailbox to your Outlook profile - it becomes a
"Delegate Account" in your profile. If you open the folder via File -->
Open --> Other's User's Folder - it is a Shared Contact Folder. Neither of
these types are usable via the Outlook import/export process (in any Outlook
version including O'2007).

You can open each folder in one of the 2 options mentioned above from within
your own Outlook session and then copy the contacts to your target folder
(providing that you have the correct Exchange permissions to to do that).
<copy> means opening the other's user's folder on your machine, highlighting
all the contacts in their contact folder, dragging the contacts to the
destination folder.

Alternatively, you can create a contact folder in the Public Folders group
and get each user to copy their contacts to that folder. When that is
complete you could copy the contacts from the PF folder to your own target
contact folder and then export them from there.

In short , what you <cannot do> is use Outlook export for any of the above
folders (in Delegate Account, Shared, or in Public Folders)


Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0 / Exporter
"Power contact importers/exporters for MS Outlook '2000/2007"

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