Yes and no. There is no direct option for exporting built in or custom
Reports. However depending on what type of Project data you have, there
are several alternatives. If the data is static (i.e. non-timescaled
data like Duration), you can use an export map. Check the help file to
read more about export maps. If the data is timescaled (i.e. Cost over a
period of time), you could try the "analyze timescaled data in Excel"
add-in which is found on the 'Analysis' toolbar. You may need to run the
add-in from more than one view (i.e. Task Usage and Resource Usage) and
also use an export map for some of the static fields to get everything
you need in Excel. However, by far the best way to export the data if it
is customized is to create a VBA macro to do the data gathering in
Project, manipulating (if necessary), export and formatting in Excel. If
you do not have VBA experience, you can have someone write the macro for
you or you could also take the "poor man's" approach and perform
multiple copy and paste operations from one of the Usage views to get
the data into Excel.
Hope this helps.