Exporting Risks to Excel with Version Control On


Chris King

Ok here is my setup. Project Server 2007 SP1, PWA etc.

I have a project workspace setup to track risks for a particular project.
We have version control turned for our reporting purposes. We also have
several fields that are required to be filled out.

Ok so here is the problem. When a user goes and edits a risk to update it
they are required to input data into all the required fields even if the
field had informaiton in it previously. This is causing problems as most of
these fields only need to be filled out once. So now the user is typing
something into that field everytime (i.e. a period). We when we go to export
the Risks to excel, because of version control we only get the latest
information for that particular risks (i.e. a period in the description field
where in a previous version there was data).

My question: Is there a way export all of the risks to excel with all of the
data (no matter what version it is on). If anyone know any way to pull this
data that would be great. I would even be willing to pull the data from SQL
if I can (I am not to versed in SQL so I would require so help walking
through creating the query to pull the desired data).

Thanks in advance.


Ok here is my setup. Project Server 2007 SP1, PWA etc.

I have a project workspace setup to track risks for a particular project.  
We have version control turned for our reporting purposes.  We also have
several fields that are required to be filled out.

Ok so here is the problem.  When a user goes and edits a risk to update it
they are required to input data into all the required fields even if the
field had informaiton in it previously.  This is causing problems as most of
these fields only need to be filled out once.  So now the user is typing
something into that field everytime (i.e. a period).  We when we go to export
the Risks to excel, because of version control we only get the latest
information for that particular risks (i.e. a period in the description field
where in a previous version there was data).

My question: Is there a way export all of the risks to excel with all of the
data (no matter what version it is on).  If anyone know any way to pull this
data that would be great.  I would even be willing to pull the data fromSQL
if I can (I am not to versed in SQL so I would require so help walking
through creating the query to pull the desired data).

Thanks in advance.

Hi Chris,

Answer to your first question:

It seems to you turned on versioning for risks. If you are looking for
versioning, that's fine.

Another thing, if you turn on versionining, you will get prompt on
required Multiple lines of text, if you choose the "Append Changes to
Existing Text" opion on that particulat column.

Stpes to turn off the prompt on required Multiple lines of text

1) On Risks list, Settings -> List Settings

2) Under Columns section, click on column name

3) On Change Column page, choose "No" for the option called Append
Changes to Existing Text


Chris King

Thank you so much. This worked perfectly and we can now do what we
need to for the customer. Thanks again.

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