Exporting snapshots or rtf with Access Runtime



[This followup was posted to and a copy was sent to the cited author.]

I have raised this issue before, but this time I can provide a bit more
information after including an error message in the VBA sub.
To recap: I cannot generate a snapshot or rtf file from the runtime
version of Access 2002, yet it works fine with the full version. I use a
custom toolbar with VBA code). The error message is:
'The formats that enable you to output data as a Microsoft Excel, rich
text format, MS DOS text or HTML file are missing or incorrectly
registered in the Windows Registry.' (snp not mentioned, but I believe
it's part of the same problem)

I would truly appreciate help on this one - I hope it is not an
intentional design feature in Access 2002 to disable this functionality!

Rick Brandt

Henri said:
[This followup was posted to and a copy was sent to the cited author.]

I have raised this issue before, but this time I can provide a bit more
information after including an error message in the VBA sub.
To recap: I cannot generate a snapshot or rtf file from the runtime
version of Access 2002, yet it works fine with the full version. I use a
custom toolbar with VBA code). The error message is:
'The formats that enable you to output data as a Microsoft Excel, rich
text format, MS DOS text or HTML file are missing or incorrectly
registered in the Windows Registry.' (snp not mentioned, but I believe
it's part of the same problem)

I would truly appreciate help on this one - I hope it is not an
intentional design feature in Access 2002 to disable this functionality!

It is exactly what it says it is. There are registry entries missing. The error
message is the same regardless of which entry you are missing and apparently it was
written before the Snapshot format existed and was never updated.

Look for the registry keys...

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\9.0\Access\Report Formats

My PC has the following entries:

HTML "html, SOA_RptToHTML,1,HTML (*.html),1
Microsoft Excel "xls,SOA_RptToBIFF, Biff5,Microsoft Excel (*.xls),0"
MS-DOS Text "txt,SOA_RptToAscii,1,MS-DOS Text (*.txt),0"
Rich Text Format "rtf,SOA_RptToRTF,Rich Text Format,Rich Text Format (*.rtf),0"
Snapshot Format "snp,,1,Snapshot Format (*.snp),0"

Your PC apparently has different Registry entries for the Runtime versus the Retail
install. If you look for the Registry entries above and can find them for both, you
will likely see that the entries for the Runtime are missing. If you add them in, it
will likely fix your problem.

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