Exporting text boxes into detail section of report



I have added text boxes to the detail section of my report when I export
report to excel my added text boxes are not visible. Can you please help???

Ken Sheridan

Do the computation as columns in the report's underlying query not as
computed controls in the report, e.g.

SELECT Product, NetPrice, VATRate, UnitPrice * (1+VATRate) As GrossPrice
ON Products.VATRateID = VATRates.VATRateID;

In the report you would bind a control to the GrossPrice column just as you
would to any column in a base table.

For the benefit of non-Yurpeans VAT is Value Added Tax here in Yurp.

Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England


What I am trying to do is use the same information(fields)from the detail
section in a footer section. I have grouped fields. Is their maybe a chance
you know anything about wagering on the ponies.

Ken Sheridan

I think the way it works when you send an Access report to Excel is that if
you repeat a field in group footer or header which is also in the detail
section it will only show in the detail row in the Excel worksheet. If you
have a field in a footer or header which is not in the detail section of the
Access report it will show in a separate row in Excel in the same relative
position to the detail rows as in the Access report. If you aggregate data
in a footer or header in the Access report it shows in the same way in the
Excel worksheet.

So, it doesn't look like you can do what you want just by sending a report
to Excel. You'd have to edit the Excel worksheet so that a cell in each
'footer' row references a cell in the row above.


Thank you. I have been copying the fields in excel. Takes only a couple of
minutes to do so . A truck driver by day and a wanna be data base builder by
night. Every thing I want to do is redundant. Its so frustrating at times.
Finding out computors are not as simple to operate as people would lead you
to believe. With people as yourself offering help I have faith I will be able
to reach my goal. but not as easy as I thought it would be.

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