Exporting Time-phased data




In the Task Usage view, the right pane shows cost, work, % complete,
etc. but the only way I've found to 'export' this data is by copying and
pasting the two panes (the left pane with the task rows, and the right
pane with the time-phased data) into Excel.

Is there a way to auto-magically export it all at once into a text file
(.csv or .txt)?

~ Don


D.F. said:

In the Task Usage view, the right pane shows cost, work, % complete,
etc. but the only way I've found to 'export' this data is by copying and
pasting the two panes (the left pane with the task rows, and the right
pane with the time-phased data) into Excel.

Is there a way to auto-magically export it all at once into a text file
(.csv or .txt)?

~ Don

Yes. Have you tried using the "Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel"? It was
a downloadable add-in for Project 2000 and an included utility for
Project 2003 (don't know about Project 2002). You should be able to find
the utility on the "Analysis" toolbar.

If the above doesn't fit your needs, there is always a custom VBA macro
which can be developed.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP


Hi John,

Yes. I've tried the "Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel", however I am
constrained to using only the task name field to identify the rows in my
resulting spreadsheet; I want to include data from other columns as well
to help in the sorting/analysis of the entire data set.

For example, I want to summarize costs by WBS, or by resource group, or
other custom resource fields I've created.

Is there a way to create an export map for the "Analyze Timescaled Data
in Excel" the same way you can export other data using export maps?

~ Don


"D.F." <[email protected]> said:
Hi John,

Yes. I've tried the "Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel", however I am
constrained to using only the task name field to identify the rows in my
resulting spreadsheet; I want to include data from other columns as well
to help in the sorting/analysis of the entire data set.

For example, I want to summarize costs by WBS, or by resource group, or
other custom resource fields I've created.

Is there a way to create an export map for the "Analyze Timescaled Data
in Excel" the same way you can export other data using export maps?

~ Don
As I mentioned, there is always the custom VBA approach - that's the
approach I always use.

Short of a custom macro, you could do two exports, one with the utility
(to get the timescaled data) and a separate export using an export map
for static data. The separate exports can then be combined in Excel.

The only way to create an "export map" for the "Analyze timescaled Data
in Excel" utility is to modify the actual code behind the utility. The
code behind the utility was originally included with Project 98 (as I
recall) and may still be available via download but the download version
requires that you have VB.net. In my opinion, writing you own macro is
much easier.

Hope this helps.
Project MVP

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