I think if your city, state zip layout is the standard US one you may
be able to use the following sequence of find/replaces in
conjunction with Graham's article (you need to do the following
before you convert to the table) to get a bit closer - you may need
to modify the sequence to suit your data, which I appreciate isn't
easy but it's probably worth a try.
First, you need to uncheck
Tools|AutoCorrect|"AutoFormat as you Type"|"Replace as you
type"|"Straight quotes with smart quotes"
Tools|AutoCorrect|AutoFormat|"Replace as you type"|"Straight quotes
with smart quotes"
Then, you need to make sure all the lines end in the same character
(I use a paragraph mark here). If they end in line feeds, do a
replace of ^l by ^p.
In the Find/Replace dialog box, check the Wildcard option then do the
following finds/replaces, where the first line of each pair goes
inthe Find What and the second goes in the Replace With box.
^13 @
Mike said:
well, i was able to get the text to convert to a table but it is not
seperating out the city, state and zip into seperate fields. i knew
this was not going to be easy. i guess i will have them go through
and edit the excel worksheet to make the updates that were made in
the word merge document.
thanks again for your help.