Exporting work data for analysis?



My project contains the daily timesheet data for all of my
resouces (the data shown in the Resource Usage view) and I
can't seem to find a way to export that data so that I can
analyze it in Excel. For example, I want to calculate how
many hours resource X tends to spend a day on bugs or I
want to sum the hours that a particular resource enters
across multiple projects. How can I do this? The data
export wizard (Project 2002) doesn't seem to give access
to the daily hours worked buckets.


Mike Glen

Hi Ben,

For reference to all the Project Newsgroups, please see FAQ No 24: Project
and Project VBA Newsgroups

For Project 2002 questions, on the msnews.microsoft.com server, try these

For Project 2002 Professional version:

For Project 2002 Standard version:

You are more likely to get an answer there. If you cannot access those
newsgroup, then re-post here stating that fact and we'll do our best to

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <http://www.mvps.org/project/>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on:)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Hey Mike - I'm not sure that I understand your redirection
as this is not a project 2002 specific question. I can try
to repost there, but this question applies to Project 200
as well. I just can't find a way to export timephased data.


Mike Glen

Sorry. but I saw 2002 in your post and reacted accordingly! Have you tried
to Analyse Timescale Data in Excel... macro on the Analysis tools bar?

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP

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