ExportPicture Doesn't Work with IE7?


Nick P

When I try and use ExportPicutre to export the chart to the desktop I get
the error "The operation could not be completed due to error 8003007b".
ExportPicture works fine wen I export to a specific location on another

Here is the code that is broken...
Sub btnSave_onClick()
Dim retVal
Dim winOpt
Dim tempName

retVal = InputBox("Enter a name for the chart picture file:", "DMS
Dashboard", Left(tdTitle.InnerText, 30) & ".gif")

If Trim(retVal) <> "" Then
If InStr(Trim(retVal), ".gif") <= 0 Then
retVal = retVal & ".gif"
'End If

cspace.ExportPicture retVal, "gif", cspace.style.pixelwidth,
cspace.style.pixelheight 'save gif image of chart to desktop
End If
End Sub


I'm having the same issue exporting a .gif using a chart bound to a
pivot table...works on IE6, but not IE7.

Alvin Bruney [MVP]

You need to open up a support incident to product support to rectify the
issue, basically.

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