You are limited in the legend to the fields shown in the drop down.
However, you can assign a formula that will help you....
First, the information you desire is contained in the Project Summary Level
Task. This is TaskID 0 and UniqueID 0... always. So, you can do
Tools/Options/View (tab) and select the "Show Project Summary Level Task" box.
Insert a field, such as Text30. In the ID 0 task, enter the last saved by
information into Text30. Then, show Text30 in your Legend.
There is another way as well. Use this line of code as a formula or Macro:
ActiveProject.Tasks.UniqueID(0).Text30 = ActiveProject.LastSavedBy
However, you need to place this line of code judiciously. If you place it
in a Macro that runs when the file opens you will get good information.
However, if Joe was the last save and John opens the file and then saves the
LastSavedBy is still "Joe" until you re-run the Macro.
So, try this. Make sure the Automatic Calculations is set to Automatic, not
In the Microsoft Project Objects place this code:
Private Sub Project_Calculate(ByVal pj As Project)
pj.Tasks.UniqueID(0).Text30 = pj.LastSavedBy
End Sub
This code executes each time the project calculates. You can change Text30
to anything desired.
See.... never let the software win.
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about Microsoft Project
Is there a way to show the "Last saved by" field in a print view in Project
(using Project Standard 2k3).
In my legend I show a version and the Last Saved Date, but Last saved by
(which appears in Properties->Statistics tab) is not a selection from the
pull down list. I've tried a few &[xxx] combinations but none of them
display the value I want.