Expression comparing fields from 2 forms

  • Thread starter quinto via
  • Start date

quinto via

Can I palce a text box in a form with an expression to compare 2 fields? one
from the main form and one from a subform? The following is not working
=[VehiclesDayMiles:Opening MilesT]-[VehiclesDayMilesLastByGroupQ:
LastOfClosing Miles]



John W. Vinson

Can I palce a text box in a form with an expression to compare 2 fields? one
from the main form and one from a subform? The following is not working
=[VehiclesDayMiles:Opening MilesT]-[VehiclesDayMilesLastByGroupQ:
LastOfClosing Miles]



Bear in mind that a subform will typically contain many records. Do your
fieldnames actually contain colons??? Are these table fields or controls on
the form - if controls, are they bound to table fields or is the subform field
in the form footer or the like?

TRY this (though I rather doubt it will work):

=[VehiclesDayMiles:Opening MilesT] -
LastOfClosing Miles]

where Subformname is the name of the Subform control (which might or might not
be the same as the name of the form within that control).

John W. Vinson [MVP]

quinto via

Thanks you.

I decided to post the numbers for reference only.
Last day closing miles should be less than today's opening miles.
I was going to put in an expression and a conditional format that if the
result was negative it would show in bold red.

Thanks again
Can I palce a text box in a form with an expression to compare 2 fields? one
from the main form and one from a subform? The following is not working
[quoted text clipped - 4 lines]

Bear in mind that a subform will typically contain many records. Do your
fieldnames actually contain colons??? Are these table fields or controls on
the form - if controls, are they bound to table fields or is the subform field
in the form footer or the like?

TRY this (though I rather doubt it will work):

=[VehiclesDayMiles:Opening MilesT] -
LastOfClosing Miles]

where Subformname is the name of the Subform control (which might or might not
be the same as the name of the form within that control).

John W. Vinson [MVP]

John W. Vinson

Thanks you.

I decided to post the numbers for reference only.
Last day closing miles should be less than today's opening miles.
I was going to put in an expression and a conditional format that if the
result was negative it would show in bold red.

Ok... did your question get answered? Is it working now?

John W. Vinson [MVP]

quinto via

I did not try it yet because I went with an alternastive way but I will as
try it as make other changes.
It seams that every day I come up with something to make more user friendlier.
I dont think I will ever stop adding to this project.



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