Sorry here it is.......BTW ="2yo" didnt work .....Thanks Bob
Function funCalcAge(dtDOB As Date, dtNow As Date, Optional nFormat As
Integer = 3) As String
Dim nYears As Integer, nMonths As Integer, nDays As Integer
dtDOB = Format(dtDOB, "dd/mm/yyyy")
dtNow = Format(dtNow, "dd/mm/yyyy")
If Day(dtDOB) > Day(dtNow) Then
nDays = DateDiff("y", dtDOB, dtNow) + DateDiff("y", DateAdd("m",
DateDiff("m", dtDOB, dtNow) - 1, dtDOB), dtDOB)
If Month(dtDOB) > Month(dtNow) - 1 Then
nYears = DateDiff("yyyy", dtDOB, dtNow) - 1
nMonths = DateDiff("m", dtDOB, dtNow) + DateDiff("m",
DateAdd("yyyy", nYears, dtDOB) - 1, dtDOB) - 1
nYears = DateDiff("yyyy", dtDOB, dtNow)
nMonths = DateDiff("m", dtDOB, dtNow) + DateDiff("m",
DateAdd("yyyy", nYears, dtDOB), dtDOB) - 1
End If
nDays = DateDiff("y", dtDOB, dtNow) + DateDiff("y", DateAdd("m",
DateDiff("m", dtDOB, dtNow), dtDOB), dtDOB)
If Month(dtDOB) > Month(dtNow) Then
nYears = DateDiff("yyyy", dtDOB, dtNow) - 1
nMonths = DateDiff("m", dtDOB, dtNow) + DateDiff("m",
DateAdd("yyyy", DateDiff("yyyy", dtDOB, dtNow) - 1, dtDOB), dtDOB)
nYears = DateDiff("yyyy", dtDOB, dtNow)
nMonths = DateDiff("m", dtDOB, dtNow) + DateDiff("m",
DateAdd("yyyy", DateDiff("yyyy", dtDOB, dtNow), dtDOB), dtDOB)
End If
End If
Select Case nFormat
Case 1
If nYears <= 0 Then
funCalcAge = "0yo"
ElseIf nYears > 30 Then
funCalcAge = "X"
funCalcAge = " " & nYears & "yo"
End If
Case 2: funCalcAge = IIf(nYears > 0, " " & nYears & " yrs, ", "") &
IIf(nMonths > 0, nMonths & " M", "")
Case 3: funCalcAge = IIf(nYears > 0, " " & nYears & " yrs, ", "") &
IIf(nMonths > 0, nMonths & " M,", "") & IIf(nDays > 0, nDays & " D", "")
End Select
End Function
John W. Vinson said:
Is it possible to get a result on [Like "2yo"] this contains horses ages
want to get a query showing horses that are "2yo"
Tahnks for any help...............Bob
Age: funCalcAge(Format('01-Aug-' &
What's "funCalcAge"? What is the meaning of passing it (e.g.)
as a string argument!? What is the algorithm for determining a horse's
John W. Vinson [MVP]