Expression Web and Windows Vista



I recently installed Expression Web on my laptop running Windows Vista Basic
with full admin privledges. Every time I start Expression Web it runs the
setup and says it's configuring the software. I close the setup and
eventually Expression Web starts. The whole process takes about two minutes.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software. Nothing helps.
Can anyone provide any clues as to what is causing this?

Tom [Pepper] Willett

Have you tried asking the experts in the Expression Web newsgroup?
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
"You're a daisy if you do!"
FrontPage Support:
:I recently installed Expression Web on my laptop running Windows Vista
: with full admin privledges. Every time I start Expression Web it runs the
: setup and says it's configuring the software. I close the setup and
: eventually Expression Web starts. The whole process takes about two
: I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling the software. Nothing helps.
: Can anyone provide any clues as to what is causing this?

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