Expression Web-cant move tables or frames

  • Thread starter GigHarborRealtor
  • Start date


Hi all-
I JUST got EW after working with Publisher 07 (yah...I know, not the best to
create a web site in, but I was used to it) and am I having some issue moving
ANY text box (sorry if I use the wrong terms here), Image box, table or

They are all ancored to the left (as if there is some control selected to
stick it to the left) and I can not seem to drag and drop/move them anywhere.
I can not find anything that I have "turned on" to make it behave this way.

I can stretch it to the right, but the left hand side is still stuck. I can
hit "enter" if I click outside of it and make it go lower, but I can NOT move
it to the right, or up.

WHAT THE HECK??? Am I crazy, stupid (shush!), is the answer right in front
of my nose, or is there a bug in the program/installation?

I REALLY need help...and in "Web For Dummies" terms. Obviously I know about
three words of Greek...


Stefan B Rusynko

To align text or images in EW or FP you should put them in tables and align the table or cells


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;

| Hi all-
| I JUST got EW after working with Publisher 07 (yah...I know, not the best to
| create a web site in, but I was used to it) and am I having some issue moving
| ANY text box (sorry if I use the wrong terms here), Image box, table or
| anything.
| They are all ancored to the left (as if there is some control selected to
| stick it to the left) and I can not seem to drag and drop/move them anywhere.
| I can not find anything that I have "turned on" to make it behave this way.
| I can stretch it to the right, but the left hand side is still stuck. I can
| hit "enter" if I click outside of it and make it go lower, but I can NOT move
| it to the right, or up.
| WHAT THE HECK??? Am I crazy, stupid (shush!), is the answer right in front
| of my nose, or is there a bug in the program/installation?
| I REALLY need help...and in "Web For Dummies" terms. Obviously I know about
| three words of Greek...
| Thanks,
| Maria

Mark Fitzpatrick

HTML is NOT the same as desktop publishing. HTML basically describes
content, which is different from a layout language that describes position.
You build a web site using carefully crafted tables and positioning elements
within them. It may sound goofy, but that's how most everyone does it.There
are advanced features known as CSS positioning that would let you move stuff
on a page, but these are very tricky to use and unless you're a seasoned
pro, usually end up with very strange results across the browsers.

Start with your design idea and break it up into tables. You're not limited
to just one table either, most sites use nested table where you put one
table within another. A good example is a simple page with a header and
footer. You can create a table with 1 column and three rows. Put a big
banner in the top cell for the header and some navigation and privacy links
in the bottom as the footer. In the middle you create a more complex table
(or a bunch of nested tables) that cut up the space for you to put images
and text in.

The default alignment for things is always going to be to the left. You can
create a table, set it's alignment to "center" and have it in the middle of
the page. Then you can begin putting elements into there so that they'll
appear floating in the middle of the page. You probably want to google for
some tutorials on web design first to get a feel for some of the common
tricks that are used. It may seem daunting at first, especially if you're
used to tools like Publisher, CorelDraw, or Adobe Illustrator, but once you
get the basics down it gets pretty easy.


Thanks Stefan and Mark~

I had to re-install EW and things are working better. Some glitch was
driving me crazy. I knew about tables, etc., but I KNEW something was not



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