


OK, let's say I want to create a field, a number field,
and assign it to start with 4500. What expression would
I use. I'm new to all this and kind of lost :)

Roger Carlson

You aren't listening. At least 3 people have told you that this is not a
good idea and it isn't. Someone else told you where in Help to find exactly
what you are looking for. Why ask questions if you're not going to take


If YOU were listening you would understand that in my
last question I said nothing about assigning this field
as an Auto Number - I did take the advice of the first
reply - it is NOT an AutoNumber - it's a simple field
that I want to assign a number to, it's not the primary
key or anything. I ASSUMED that individuals on this site
would have experience with this program and I ASSUMED
that this would be an easy question to answer for those
who have worked with Access, but obviously it is too
complicated for the experienced.

Willy Wichtig


I'll offer you a few tips/ suggestions:

1). The people here are under no obligation to answer anything. They are
generously donating their time and knowledge. Keep your tone amiable.

2). Stick to one thread to keep the dialogue going until you get the results
you're after. If you're not getting the answer you desire, then perhaps you
need to rephrase your question or explain your situation more clearly. Your
previous posts used "AutoNumber" in the subject line. That has a very
distinct meaning in Access, which is why you received the answers you did.
Now had you stuck to the original thread, and explained that it was really
an incrementing number you were after, I'm 99.9% certain that it would have
been promptly resolved.

3). Generic questions receive generic answers. The more pertinent info you
provide, the better your chances of getting an answer specific to your
particular problem.

4). If you've read this far down the page, try looking up DMax() and Nz() in
the help files. Then post back if you need more help.



Thank you for your tips/suggestions, you've been the most
help so far. I don't expect anyone to have any answers, I
was looking for help and had a very positive attitude
about receiving some help from this site until someone
replied to one of my questions rudely. I didn't
appreciate the previous reply (the one I received before
yours) that implied I was an idiot for asking a question.
This is my first time creating a database and everything
is new to me. Thank you for your time.

Willy Wichtig

since this thread is now off-topic and will not get you any closer to your
goal, try posting back to your original thread with some details. If you
don't get any meaningful responses within a few days, then start a new
thread. In the meantime, scan past messages for keywords like auto-increment
or DMax. Guaranteed that you'll find some code snippets which you can adapt
for your needs.
Good luck.



Try entering the following code:

"i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie
to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop
the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the
boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat..."

I'm not sure that this will get you to where you need to
be with regard to the auto-number thing, but you will be
a lot cooler at work.


I.M. Mudd


I'm sorry for your frustations in learing how to set up
your database, but try the entering following code:

"i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie to the hip hip
hop, a you don't stop the rock it to the bang bang boogie
say up jumped the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the
beat ..."

I can't say for sure that this has anything to do with
Mircosoft Access, but you will feel a lot cooler around
the office - guaranteed!


I.M. Mudd

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