


Looking at a text box with the year, EX: 04. In design
view it shows Exp1. Please explain.
The form is for data entry and a parameter value says
enter year and then the customer id. the record for that
customer comes up for that year.

Thank you for reply.

Jeff Boyce


We're not there, we can't see what you're looking at. We don't know how
your data is organized. We don't know what your form is based on. We don't
know the SQL statement being used if you have a query (the "parameter value"
implies a query).

More specific information will help us provide more specific advice...


In Design View, a bound textbox displays the name of the field to which it
is bound.
It sounds as if your form is based on a query, and this query contains a
field named Exp1.
This tells you that in Form View, that textbox will display the value of the
expression Exp1 in your query, for the record you select.

It also sounds as if your query contains a parameter which filters based on
this field (Exp1).
It probably also contains a parameter which filters the Customer ID field.

I do hope that his helps you understand what's going on.
Please post back if you have more specific questions.

- Turtle


Thank you for your reply and your patience. I am new to
Access, about 6 months and have a new project. I am sure
my questions my seem dumb (based on the other reply I
received) Thanks again. I very much appreciate your help.


I'm glad I was able to help.
There's still plenty I don't know, but I seem to be a better than average
(I'm also guessing that the previous poster was having a bad day and you
happened to get in the way.
By and large, folks with the MVP designation are friendly, knowledgeable,
and incredibly patient.)

Welcome to the wonderful world of Access development!
I do hope you'll continue to ask questions here -
and to search the archives for pertinent information.
Most of the time when people are awed by some little scrap of Access trivia
I drag up,
it's something I learned in the newsgroups.

When you post again, it's usually helpful if you'll include what version of
Access you're using, and some details about the forms, tables, queries, etc.
you're using. If you're using a query, open it in Design View, then click
View - SQL View. Cut and paste the text you find there into your post -
it may not mean anything to you, but others can read it and see what
you're doing.

Happy developing!
- Turtle

Jeff Boyce


I must have been having a bad day, as McD suggested. I asked the questions
I did to get a better idea of where you were starting from, so I could have
a better idea of where to direct you.

My apologies if I came across too curt.

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

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