Extending a trendline to the y axis



I am using Excel 2003 and have produced an xy graph giving a positive
correlation. I added a linear trendline to the chart, and want to extend the
trendline back to the y axis, but am unsure how to do so. Any help
appreciated :)

Bernard Liengme

Double click the trendline, open the Options tab and set an appropriate
value in the Backward box
best wishes

Corey Helms

I was wondering the same thing as Becca, and ran into a problem with your
solution. I've got my trendline set as a running average. Because of this,
the backward box is not accessible to be edited. Any help you could offer
would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Bernard Liengme

The Backwards feature is not available (nor is it appropriate) with a moving
average trendline.

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