Extending rows or columns problem



I've tried to explain this in three others posts with no help, so I'm going
to try another angle here.

If you select the whole workbook, and the drag out a row or column, all the
other rows or columns spread out equally.

I like to do this a lot for various reasons.

The only PROBLEM I've discovered is for some reason, then text does not wrap

Am I correct? Thanks.

OS 10.3.7
Office 2004

Bernard Rey

kevs said:
If you select the whole workbook, and the drag out a row or column, all the
other rows or columns spread out equally.

I like to do this a lot for various reasons.

The only PROBLEM I've discovered is for some reason, then text does not
wrap anymore.

- I create a brand new Worksheet.

- In cell A1, I type "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

- In cell B1, I type "Hello!"

- I select these two cells and, from the "Format" > "Cells..." > "Alignment"
tab, I check the "Wrap test" checkbox.

- I select columns A:B and then drag the width of col A from the value 10 to
the value 15 : I can see the text wrapped OK and the display adapted to the
new width.

- I select columns A:B again, and drag the width back to 10, and things do
exactly what I'd expect.

Does this describe the situation in which you "discovered the text does not
wrap anymore"? Can you perform this in your case? If not, can you describe
how it differs from the description above?


Try this Bernard:
In A1, write:

I went to the house my Dad used to live in. it's a real nice house.

I have wrap set, so it's all there in A1 wrapped fine.

Now select the entire document.
Pull out the column line between A & B.
All the columns get wider and everything looks ok.

Now with workbook still selected, pull out row line below number one. All
rows are larger and everything looks ok.

Now click inside the workbook. It's no longer selected.

Now pull the column between A & B to the left. You see that the end part of
this sentence is now getting cut off? It's not wrapping.

This is extreme example. Only easy way to show this, but essentially, it
seems it you do a lot of playing around with the columns and rows, you may
lose your ability to wrap properly.

- I create a brand new Worksheet.

- In cell A1, I type "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"

- In cell B1, I type "Hello!"

- I select these two cells and, from the "Format" > "Cells..." > "Alignment"
tab, I check the "Wrap test" checkbox.

- I select columns A:B and then drag the width of col A from the value 10 to
the value 15 : I can see the text wrapped OK and the display adapted to the
new width.

- I select columns A:B again, and drag the width back to 10, and things do
exactly what I'd expect.

Does this describe the situation in which you "discovered the text does not
wrap anymore"? Can you perform this in your case? If not, can you describe
how it differs from the description above?

OS 10.3.7
Office 2004

Bernard Rey

kevs said:
Try this Bernard:

In A1, write:
I went to the house my Dad used to live in. it's a real nice house.

I have wrap set, so it's all there in A1 wrapped fine.

Now select the entire document.
Pull out the column line between A & B.
All the columns get wider and everything looks ok.

Now with workbook still selected, pull out row line below number one. All
rows are larger and everything looks ok.

Now click inside the workbook. It's no longer selected.

Until now, I can see all this, exactly (?) as you describe it.
Now pull the column between A & B to the left. You see that the end part of
this sentence is now getting cut off? It's not wrapping.

No! I see it still wrapping. All I can see is that, if I set it too narrow
or too small, the end of the text cut off. But it's still wrapped and
displaying on several lines, as much as possible.

All I could say is that it doesn't autofit anymore. But that's no surprise,
as the width and height are now *fixed*. But the text is still wrapping
inside the given space... and if that's what you'd like, you can reset the
cell to "autofit" width and height again.
This is extreme example. Only easy way to show this, but essentially, it
seems it you do a lot of playing around with the columns and rows, you may
lose your ability to wrap properly.

Apparently, I can't see this. I'll have a look if I ever encounter that, but
I can't remember having seen what you describe until now...
OS 10.3.7 - Office 2004

Have you applied the Office SR-1 patch?


Thanks Bernard:
All my office programs say 11.1, so I am up to date, no?

I thinking what you are saying makes sense.

How do you change auto fit, turn of/on? What does auto fit mean exactly?

Until now, I can see all this, exactly (?) as you describe it.

No! I see it still wrapping. All I can see is that, if I set it too narrow
or too small, the end of the text cut off. But it's still wrapped and
displaying on several lines, as much as possible.

All I could say is that it doesn't autofit anymore. But that's no surprise,
as the width and height are now *fixed*. But the text is still wrapping
inside the given space... and if that's what you'd like, you can reset the
cell to "autofit" width and height again.

Apparently, I can't see this. I'll have a look if I ever encounter that, but
I can't remember having seen what you describe until now...

Have you applied the Office SR-1 patch?

OS 10.3.7
Office 2004

Bernard Rey

kevs said:
How do you change auto fit, turn of/on? What does auto fit mean exactly?

"Autofit" means "automatically adjust the height (or width) to the actual
content of the cell".

To turn it on, select the "Autofit" item from the "Format" > "Row" (or
"Column") menu. As you could find out, setting the cell format in order to
have the text wrapped automatically sets its height to autofit. But, as you
can imagine, fixing the height manually overwrites this setting and the
height won't automatically adjust anymore. I guess this is what you called
"not wrapping"...

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