Extentions [FrontPage Save Results Component]



In speaking with a tech with the company I'm dealing for
my site it looks like we nailed down what the problem is
with teh frontpage extentions. They are at the server
I'm publishing to, but it seems that frontpage is reading
something on my system that I had never dealt with
before. The tech couldn't really help on this because he
doesn't use the program. We were able to look at the
souce to find a script reading <!--webbot
bot="SaveResults" u-file="C:\Documents and
Settings\Owner\Desktop\_private\form_results.csv" s-
format="TEXT/CSV" s-label-fields="TRUE" startspan --
<strong>[FrontPage Save Results Component]</strong><!--
webbot bot="SaveResults" endspan i-checksum="6561" -->.
I have no idea what this means. Please help.

Steve Easton

Since it's pointing to your desktop on your C drive, ( u-file="C:\Documents and
Settings\Owner\Desktop\_private\form_results.csv) it means you didn't have your web open when you
installed / created the form, you only had a page open and the page was located on your desktop.

Open your local web, open the form page, remove and recreate the form, save the page and then
publish using http://yourwebname.com.

Do "not" use ftp://yourwebname.com

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer

Bill said:
In speaking with a tech with the company I'm dealing for
my site it looks like we nailed down what the problem is
with teh frontpage extentions. They are at the server
I'm publishing to, but it seems that frontpage is reading
something on my system that I had never dealt with
before. The tech couldn't really help on this because he
doesn't use the program. We were able to look at the
souce to find a script reading <!--webbot
bot="SaveResults" u-file="C:\Documents and
Settings\Owner\Desktop\_private\form_results.csv" s-
format="TEXT/CSV" s-label-fields="TRUE" startspan --
<strong>[FrontPage Save Results Component]</strong><!--
webbot bot="SaveResults" endspan i-checksum="6561" -->.
I have no idea what this means. Please help.

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