External consultants cannot access site



We have some external consultants on site that we are
trying to give access to a Project Server site in our
environment. They are using their own laptops, connected
to our network, but are not members of our domain.

I've created a Project Server account for them, but they
can't access the site: they get an NTLM authentication
dialog box as soon as I try to hit the URL.

We've tried:

1) Setting the ProjectServer web site in IIS to use
Authentication, with the IUSR_... account in the login;

2) Added a local user account on the ProjectServer box

They still get an NTLM authentication challenge when they
access http://servername/sitename, but can get to the
default sharepoint site when accessing http://servername.

Is there an IIS or some other setting that I am missing?


Gary L. Chefetz \(MVP\)

You can give them access to Project Server providing that you get the
directory security correct in IIS. This means opening the virtual server and
virtual directory that Project Server is running in to anonymous use as well
as the data access components; msadcs.dll in particular and the MSADCS
directory. You'll need to use Project Server authenticated accounts,
however, these do not grant them access to us SharePoint. For this you'll
need to provide a local logon account to the server or set your SharePoint
security to next to nothing.


Gary L. Chefetz, MVP
"We wrote the book on Project Server


Garon Line

The PWA (Issues/Risks/Documents/etc) components rely on
Windows Sharepoint Services which requires the user to be
authenticated on the same server.

There are some work arounds but they a pretty complicated.

It is basically and intranet solution.


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