I am having some trouble with importing data.Its an MTA file I can import it
ok.I bring it all through as general format.I have a series of formulas on
the second sheet ie =sheet1!A2 because all the references go haywire when the
new data comes in.It seems to be inserted rather than pasted.However there is
a column of numbers which i am trying to sum if (on sheet 2 ) if another
letter is A in the same row.=istext(B8) is true but
if(istext(B8),"text","not")) comes up as not and my sumif is always 0.
i am not sure if the formula should be =sumif(B8:B3000,A,E8:E3000) or
=sumif(B8:B3000,"A",E8:E3000) either.
ok.I bring it all through as general format.I have a series of formulas on
the second sheet ie =sheet1!A2 because all the references go haywire when the
new data comes in.It seems to be inserted rather than pasted.However there is
a column of numbers which i am trying to sum if (on sheet 2 ) if another
letter is A in the same row.=istext(B8) is true but
if(istext(B8),"text","not")) comes up as not and my sumif is always 0.
i am not sure if the formula should be =sumif(B8:B3000,A,E8:E3000) or
=sumif(B8:B3000,"A",E8:E3000) either.