I have a worksheet that I created with the intention of automatically
updating when data contained within two other worksheets automatically
refreshed (from an external database) and updated.
The way I've done this (rightly or wrongly) is to formulate IF statements
that read the contents of the correspondeing cells in the other worksheets:
For example:
Cell A2 contains:
=IF('Worksheet A'!B2<>"",'Worksheet A'!B2,"") - i.e. if cell B2 on worksheet
A is not blank then copy it's contents across. remember Worksheet A is hooked
up to a database and will automatically refresh every 5 minutes.
I've basically copied variations of this formula right across my worksheet,
right down to row 10,000 or so, so that as the data in the database updates
it is refreshed in worksheet A and suvsiquently is displayed in my worksheet.
I.e. Row 2 will look at row 2 in worksheet A, row 3 will look at row 3 etc.
I also use some conditional formatting to highlight rows depending on the
specific data that is contained in the cells.
The problem is that the formulas screw up when the data refreshes in the
other worksheet:
For example:
Cell A2199 should contain:
=IF('Worksheet A'!B2199<>"",'Worksheet A'!B2199,"")
But when the data refreshes, this formula changes; the row number it is
looking for will increase (and thus a number of rows will be missed). This
will usually correspond to the number of rows that have been added to
Worksheet A.
I hope that makes sense - the workbook is full of confidential data so is
hard to explain.
Does anyone know what's wrong?
Or can they suggest a simplier more elegant way of achieveing this?
The reason I'm reading data from 2 worksheets into another (rather than
writing one SQL query to put all the data in one sheet automatically) is that
I'm using an outer join, but need to link 3 tables; MS Query won't allow this
in one SQL statement.
Please help - I thought I'd created a masterpiece until it screwed up.
Many thanks.
updating when data contained within two other worksheets automatically
refreshed (from an external database) and updated.
The way I've done this (rightly or wrongly) is to formulate IF statements
that read the contents of the correspondeing cells in the other worksheets:
For example:
Cell A2 contains:
=IF('Worksheet A'!B2<>"",'Worksheet A'!B2,"") - i.e. if cell B2 on worksheet
A is not blank then copy it's contents across. remember Worksheet A is hooked
up to a database and will automatically refresh every 5 minutes.
I've basically copied variations of this formula right across my worksheet,
right down to row 10,000 or so, so that as the data in the database updates
it is refreshed in worksheet A and suvsiquently is displayed in my worksheet.
I.e. Row 2 will look at row 2 in worksheet A, row 3 will look at row 3 etc.
I also use some conditional formatting to highlight rows depending on the
specific data that is contained in the cells.
The problem is that the formulas screw up when the data refreshes in the
other worksheet:
For example:
Cell A2199 should contain:
=IF('Worksheet A'!B2199<>"",'Worksheet A'!B2199,"")
But when the data refreshes, this formula changes; the row number it is
looking for will increase (and thus a number of rows will be missed). This
will usually correspond to the number of rows that have been added to
Worksheet A.
I hope that makes sense - the workbook is full of confidential data so is
hard to explain.
Does anyone know what's wrong?
Or can they suggest a simplier more elegant way of achieveing this?
The reason I'm reading data from 2 worksheets into another (rather than
writing one SQL query to put all the data in one sheet automatically) is that
I'm using an outer join, but need to link 3 tables; MS Query won't allow this
in one SQL statement.
Please help - I thought I'd created a masterpiece until it screwed up.
Many thanks.