Extra characters appearing in received emails



I have a couple users that I support that are having this problem. I'm not
sure if it is outlook or word that is causing the problem. When these users
receive emails, most frequently from outside addresses, an exclamation point
appears after any word ending in "ort" such as "report". I have made sure
that office is up to date and checked autocorrect for any strange entries.
It's not a big problem but it is annoying to people trying to read the
message. Has anyone seen this kind of issue before? Any suggestions would be
appreciated. We are using Office 2003 with Windows XP Pro and both are fully
up to date. Thanks.


Update - we've been doing some tests and it appears that the issue only
occurs with email coming in from outside addresses. It occurs with words
containing "port", not "ort" as originally believed and it does affect all
users. It's starting to look more like an exchange issue than an outlook

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