Extra Horiz Menu Buttons

  • Thread starter George W. Barrowcliff
  • Start date

George W. Barrowcliff

FP2000, IE6, linux ISP
Working on the web site at www.cgsp.net I re-arranged the sequence of the 6
horizontal menu buttons using the Navigation view.

On my development system, these 6 buttons displayed exactly as I wanted and

But when published, I have two rows of 6 buttons and one row of one.
The top row is correct, but the next two rows should not be displayed and
are NOT displayed on my development system.

This has never been an issue before. I have rearranged these buttons before
with no issues. If I rearrange two of the buttons on the first row and
republish the change is correct so I know the changes are being implemented.

I even deleted the entire web site directory from the isp, recreated the
directory and republished the entire site but it is still wrong. Only the
home page is affected.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, GWB

Stefan B Rusynko

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| FP2000, IE6, linux ISP
| Working on the web site at www.cgsp.net I re-arranged the sequence of the 6
| horizontal menu buttons using the Navigation view.
| On my development system, these 6 buttons displayed exactly as I wanted and
| expected.
| But when published, I have two rows of 6 buttons and one row of one.
| The top row is correct, but the next two rows should not be displayed and
| are NOT displayed on my development system.
| This has never been an issue before. I have rearranged these buttons before
| with no issues. If I rearrange two of the buttons on the first row and
| republish the change is correct so I know the changes are being implemented.
| I even deleted the entire web site directory from the isp, recreated the
| directory and republished the entire site but it is still wrong. Only the
| home page is affected.
| Any help would be appreciated.
| Thanks, GWB

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