Extra marks when printing using Publisher 2003 with Vista.



I am in urgent need of help. I have recently updated to Vista and using
Publisher 2003. Previously everything was fine - brochures, cards, etc., all
printing out fine. Now I find that I am getting a line (sometimes solid,
sometimes broken or just dots) appearing along the top of landscape pages. I
have even re-done my brochures but lines are still appearing. I am not
getting the problem when printing other non-publisher documents.
Would be really grateful for any help.
Many thanks.

Mary Sauer

Have you checked with the manufacture of your printer for an updated Vista
driver? If you have the current driver, it may be that a reinstall might help.
It is always wise to completely remove a driver before installing/reinstalling.

Bruce Sanderson's Windows Web
How to clean up printer drivers

Vista is a little different, right-click your printer in the printer folder,
click run as administrator.

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