My report is printing additional pages?
The report is created from a query, the query has a few tables with joins,
nothing fancy.
When the report is run is gives me:
A. monthly totals "=Count(IIf(Month([IssueCloseDate])=1,1,Null))
B. =Sum(Abs([Days]<30........
C. =IIf([Text58]=0,0,[Text45]/[Text58])
Nothing too fancy again..
For some reason if the person had a total of 10 it returns 10 pages.
I only want 1 page showing a total of 10 (each page does say 10 but prints
10 pages)...
The sorting/grouping is only by person grouped on each value..
Please help - I've spent way too much time on this....
The report is created from a query, the query has a few tables with joins,
nothing fancy.
When the report is run is gives me:
A. monthly totals "=Count(IIf(Month([IssueCloseDate])=1,1,Null))
B. =Sum(Abs([Days]<30........
C. =IIf([Text58]=0,0,[Text45]/[Text58])
Nothing too fancy again..
For some reason if the person had a total of 10 it returns 10 pages.
I only want 1 page showing a total of 10 (each page does say 10 but prints
10 pages)...
The sorting/grouping is only by person grouped on each value..
Please help - I've spent way too much time on this....