Extra paragraph at the end of a VBA-generated EmailSignature


Adri Genis


I was given the task to change a VBScript that uses MSWord automation to
create a Outlook Signature. I have the problem that it creates an empty
paragraph at the end. I have tried the following code to delete the
paragraph before saving the document, but at that stage the empty paragraph
doesn't exist yet. Any advice?

Set objSelection = objDoc.Paragraphs.Last.Range
If objSelection.Text = vbCr Then objSelection.Delete

Adri Genis

Pesach Shelnitz

Hi Adri,

When you terminate the last paragraph of a document with a carriage return,
Word creates an empty paragraph after it. You need to remove the carriage
return from the end of the last non-empty paragraph to prevent this from
happening. The following code does this.

Set objSelection = objDoc.Paragraphs.Last.Range
If objSelection.Characters.Last = vbCr Then
objSelection.start = objSelection.End - 1
End If

You might not need to remove anything if your script would create the
signature without a terminating carriage return. If you have any further
question about this, please provide all the code that adds text to the Word

Adri Genis


The last part of my code follows:


objSelection.Font.Size = 8
If strCell <> "" Then
strDisplayCell = " | Cell: " + strCell
End if
objSelection.TypeText "t " + strOffice + " | f " + strFax + " | c " +
strCell + " | "
objSelection.Hyperlinks.Add objSelection.range, "mailto:" & strEmail, ,
, strEmail
objSelection.TypeText " | "
objSelection.Hyperlinks.Add objSelection.range, "http://" & strweb, ,
For Each hLink In objDoc.Hyperlinks
hLink.range.font.Name = "century gothic"
hLink.range.font.color = wdColorBlue
hLink.range.font.bold = true
hLink.range.font.Size = 7
Next ' hLink
' WRITE MyDefaultSig
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Set objSelection = objDoc.Range()
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
objSignatureEntries.Add "MyDefaultSig", objSelection
objSignatureObject.NewMessageSignature = "MyDefaultSig"
' DELETE extra paragraphs
Set objSelection = objDoc.Paragraphs.Last.Range
msgbox objSelection.Text
If objSelection.Text = vbCr Then objSelection.Delete
objDoc.Saved = True


the debug msgbox indicates that the last paragraph is the contact
information (email, web etc ...)

I assume my code (see DELETE extra paragraphs) is functionally the same as
the suggested code.


Pesach Shelnitz

Hi Adri,

This code should not create an empty paragraph at the end, but since I don't
have your complete
script, I can't repro what you are seeing.

However, if I understand your code correctly, you are first setting your
objSelection object to the
Word Selection object, and then you reset it to a Range object. This may
work in VBScript, but
I suggest that you use different objects for Selection and Range. You can
never be certain that
something like this isn't causing the problem.

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