"Extra" Rows and Columns



A bunch of us are re-introducing ourselves to Excel 2000
at work and so far doing alright. We have noticed,
however, that while we're editing worksheets we'll
suddenly find that our LARGE/LONG scroll bar (sometimes
vertical, sometimes horizontal, sometimes both) has shrunk
to miniature size and suddenly our worksheet has a
gozillion rows and columns.

We're not concerned about printing, as we all know how to
use View\Page Break Preview, but it's awfully annoying to
try to navigate with a miniature scroll-bar and only a
viewable 1.5 pages of worksheet. We should have a
scrollbar that covers about 75% and go from there, but for
some reason it covers about 5%.

Sooo.. any ideas how to either prevent that (preferable)
or at least get RID of them?

Highligting a row, then hitting Ctrl + End just highlights
a single cell way down and over.. so we can't just do
that and delete the extra rows and columns.

Any help is appreciated!


Yup, that's sort of how we found the problem, when we went
to different zoom settings the scroll bar was moving us a
LOT farther than we wanted. Debra's info for manually
resetting it worked quite well. Although I don't know
enough about that program stuff to try the automatic. :)

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