extract data after sort



I have exported a check register from an access data base into 319 page excel
spreadsheet. The data is arranged: vendor, desc. inv. date., check date,
check no. and amount. I am trying to summarize and extract check totals from
this. The data base listed amounts by account so I sorted all the data and
ran subtotal to get the total amount for each check. I can hide the desc. &
inv. date if necessary because they aren't relevant to what I am trying to
Now I would like to (1) get the vendor name and check date to copy? to the
subtotal row so that I have a single row showing vendor name, check date,
check number and amount and (2) extract the that line of data to a separate
worksheet to run some secondary sorting.
I have tried pivot tables but that has not worked. Any suggestions would be
greatly appreciated.

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