Extract data based on critera from three columns



I have a spreadsheet with several columns -- some data, some dates.
Does anyone know how I can do the equivalent of filtering on three
different columns with a different date for each column filtered? For
example I have four columns of information but only want to extract a
certain criteria where as Date A is greater than a specific date, Date
B = another date and Date C = yet another date.
Date A Date B Date C Data
2/12/2001 2/23/2006 3/31/2006 Apples
2/23/2006 1/1/1900 Pears
3/16/2004 2/23/2006 3/31/2006 Peaches
6/15/2005 2/23/2006 6/30/2006 Grapes

For example, I'd like to be able to extract all records where Date A >
1/1/1900 and Date B = 2/23/2006, and Date C = 3/31/2006.

I have Excel 2003
Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Have a look at the Data > Filter > AutoFilter feature.......you will probably
need the "custom" selection.........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3


Actually, I intended to state that I would like to be able to do this
using a formula. I know how to do it using Data, Filter.
If any one can help I'd be most appreciative.


Why can't you use the normal filter options? Set autofilter on for all
columns, then for Date A select Custom from the pull-down and choose
greater than 1/1/1900 (are you sure you want this date? - it has the
same value as 1), for Date B select 2/23/2006 from the pull-down and
for Date C select 3/31/2006 from the pull-down - obviously, you can
only select the latter two if there are any of these dates following
the first filtering.

Whatever is displayed now matches all three criteria. If you want to
extract these records and copy them somewhere else, then highlight the
displayed items, click <copy>, then move to somewhere else (another
sheet?) and press <enter> - only the filtered records will be copied.

Hope this helps.



Sorry. This was my very first post. Once I did it, I realized that I
was in the miscellaneous category and thought I'd get a better response
if I went directly to Excel. Today is my first day navigating around
this forum. But thanks for the feedback.


Hi Pete,
Thanks for the response. I am trying to automate this functionality
rather than manually do it by filtering.

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