Extract data from seperate files-macro




Can i get a macro to extract certain columns from two different files and
put them in a new workbook?

Both files would be saved in the same location, on the G drive. One file is
called A and the other B. I need to specifcy certain columns that i want
pulled across and would like to see this info in a combined way in one sheet.
so when the info from A finishes the info from B follows..I want 11 columns
from file A (A,B,C etc)and 14 columns from file B (X,Y,Z etc) to be put into
a new sheet - call it C.

Also, this info is changed/updated regularly, presumabely i would need need
to tell the macro where it needs to get the data from, the location would be
G:etc etc right? - but what if the name changes to have the new date next to
it each day.. for example, its called 'A 13/02/08' today and tomorrow it will
be called 'A 14/02/08' etc. Would the macro be able to pick up the right info
all the time? By the way this report is run once weekly so the dates wont
change by the day but change by the week.

Thanks a lot.

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